Friday, June 01, 2007

End of another week

Had class last night. The professor asked us what we thought of the movie we saw last week. My opinion of the movie was not good but didn't want to put it too bluntly because there were people who thought it was interesting. I said I had a hard time seeing how it added value to our class, business negotiation and how we as students were paying about $80 an hour each to sit there and watch it. A number of other students said they had similar opinions to me, some privately some in class so glad to see I'm not alone. The professor said it was interesting to see the class reaction to the movie. At the other campus, the students were much more positive and animated about the movie and what they learned. We were much more subdued. In prior semesters, students tended to either love or hate the movie as well.

I guess one indication of how people felt about the movie was there were a at least 6 people missing from class last night. I don't know if they dropped or were out of town. We've already lost another 3 or 4 people from the first week so we are down to less then 20 students. If the people missing last night did drop, our class has lost over 1/3 of the students in 5 weeks. I don't think its because the class has been too hard, but because of a lack of perceived value. If I could, I would think about dropping the class, but I can't get into another class this semester and that would delay my graduation so I'm stuck here.

Having said that, last night's class was MUCH better, we were learning about negotiations, the theory and practice of it. If the rest of the semester is like last night, the class will be good.

Ok, enough about my class, on to the news and what is going on.

Jonah Goldberg has a good article on Fred Thompson and asks if Thompson is the Republicans version of Wesley Clark. Meaning will Thompson's polling number be highest the day before he declares his candidacy for President and fall once people start paying attention to the man rather then the press release.

Scientists are trying to marry animals and computers again. This time its putting a micro chip into a moth so the moth can become a surveillance platform. Times Online has the story, the comments are worth reading too. Hat tip Lucanne.

Have a good weekend and see you Monday.

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