Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Boy that didn't last long

Hmm, maybe the weather is not sticking to the calendar or our modern calendar. June gloom which has been around for two weeks or more and I finally wrote about it yesterday has departed and sunny July has arrived instead. This morning it was bright , clear and warm (remember or note that this is written in So Cal, city of Los Angeles, SMOG central so for it to be clear is a GOOD thing.)

On to the news:

What happens when a government is successful in suppressing bad news? Its censors don't what to censor and the truth will leak out. I hope the clerk who made the mistake doesn't end up as an involuntary guest of the state. Hat tip Lucianne.

There was a debate last night between the GOP candidates. Personally I didn't see it because these things bore me to tears. Its more like an extended news conference then a real debate. Bring back the Lincoln-Douglas style debate where the audience gets to shout out the questions and the participants try to verbally destroy or ridicule each other and then I'll watch.
NRO's take is here
Dean Barnet's view (on the Hugh Hewitt blog) is here.
I'm not enough of a political junkie to know who I like yet because I haven't been paying too much attention to the candidates.

Remember the "Where's the beef" commercials Wendys had back in the 1980s? Well an Arizona group is doing a version of it with "Where's the fence". Its asking the Arizona Senators, McCain and Kyl where the fence that has already been authorized by Congress is. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, Michelle Malkin has an article on the state of rearing children in the US and compares it to some of the things done in the Middle East.

Have a good day and will see you tomorrow.

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