Monday, June 11, 2007


Was off on Friday but instead of taking the day to lay around, was in the library doing research for one of my papers this term. Got a fair amount done but of course still have more to do. Sunday spent 3 hours with my class team for Strategy. We got most of our work done but now have to meet this coming Friday for 3 hours and another 2 hours on Sunday morning. We can't meet in the afternoon because its fathers day and two of the guys on the team, being fathers, are busy with family obligations. 7 more weeks till freedom.

Went house looking on Saturday, I know something is wrong with me when I see a 1544 square foot house that was built in 1954 being sold for $639,000 and thinking its a good deal. Actually the original price was $699,000 so they have lowered the price by $60,000 so it might be a good deal but that is still so much money.

A couple of stories I found interesting.

Will Cuba be able to move past the Bay of Pigs and see what their leader has done to them? Hat tip Lucianne.

A case where one can only wish both sides would lose. Suing a friend over football tickets. Hat tip Lucianne.

As much as I like roller coasters, I would not want to have been on this one, yikes. Glad no one was hurt. Hat tip Lucianne.

Coal to Oil. Germany did it in World War 2 and since they weren't worried about cost it was effective. The US has tried it in 1948, 1960s and the late 1970s. In each case, the cost of turning coal into oil was much more expensive then the cost of oil on the open market. Now politicians are starting to promote the technology again as a way for the US to end its dependence on foreign oil. We have the technology. Germany had the technology over 60 years ago. Its just that I can't see the people in the US willing to pay $7 to $10 a GALLON for gasoline which is what it would cost, unless we use lots of taxpayer money to subsidise our gasoline purchases.

The immigration bill. Not everyone who opposes it is a racist or a bad person.

Have a good day, busy one for me with class tonight as well. See you tomorrow.

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