Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Health is

Spouse has been feeling under the weather the last two days, got her to bed early or rather tried too. This morning found a white spot on the back of my tonsil so now I have something. Can't afford to get sick now, too much to do. Spent last night doing homework and will do so again tonight. 7 more weeks and counting.

The news:

This is just bloody amazing. If the story is accurate, and I'm willing to wait for further developments, heads need to roll. A women to be bleeding from her mouth and in significant pain and then die IN AN EMERGENCY ROOM because the medical folks ignored her sounds criminal. If the facts support this, the staff ignored and did not treat a woman in medical need, they should at least lose their licenses. For the 911 operators to ignore calls for help from the woman's husband and others who called, they should be fired. For LA County to allow King-Harbor to remain open under current management should mean a lot of management needs to be terminated and if the folks working there are not willing to do their jobs, shut the place down. As I said before, I want to wait for more information but if the facts in the story are correct, a number of people are guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Through their actions or inaction's a woman died who did not need to. Hat tip Lucianne.

In the US, if your job requires you to do things that violate your religion, change jobs or change religion, don't expect your employer or the public to conform to your views. The saga of the Muslim taxi drivers in Minneapolis not wanting to carry any passengers who have purchased alcohol continues. Hat tip Lucianne.

Illegal immigration. When you do thing illegally and the law catches up, please don't expect much sympathy from the public. Michelle Malkin also has an interesting column on the subject.

Does Israel have the military capacity to stop Iran's nuclear ambition? I don't know but Daniel Pipes writes they might. It would be a Hail Mary type operation and if it failed, Israel will have sacrificed a large part of its Air Force. Hat tip Lucianne.

Get the government out of the education business? Impossible some say. Jonah Goldberg says why not.

Have a good day and if you need to go to a hospital, DO NOT go to King-Harbor, take the extra time to go to any other hospital, your chance of survival will increase.

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