Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Death in Abu Ghraib

This is amazing. Not that somebody could have been beaten to death in Abu Ghraib, but the fact that it's even reported on and that an investigation is being launched. As much as the prison scandals in Iraq are a blot on the military, it also demonstrates the strength of a free society. The fact abuses by the military can be reported and and that the military be held accountable for immoral and inhumane acts speaks volumes about a free society. The fact that the very military being accused is holding itself accountable is incredible.

Would this have occured a mere two years ago in Iraq? No. That fact that accountability is happening now is a mark that things there are getting better. Should it have happened at all? NO, not by a long shot and those in command who not only let this happen but participated should pay. Unlawful orders must not be given and they must not be obeyed.

It's a painful incident, but I have to think that things are moving forward.

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