Friday, May 21, 2004

Yet Even More Sarin

Citizen Smash has an analysis of the Sarin shell found in Iraq. Key:

The artillery shell discovered earlier this week, according to General Kimmitt, contained a "mix-in-flight" binary chemical warhead. This type of warhead. . .was not used in the Iran-Iraq war, and was not included by Saddam in his 1991 weapons declaration.

And concludes:
Sometime between 1988-95, Saddam developed and manufactured sophisticated, "mix-in-flight" binary chemical weapons.

He failed to declare these weapons, as required, to UN weapons inspectors.

Iraq did not destroy all of its chemical weapons.

A stockpile of artillery shells, including at least some that contain chemical warheads, has been found by "insurgents" in Iraq.

To wit, the shell that was found could not have been a holdover from the Iran-Iraq war. Rather, the warhead was part of a program of WMD development that was hidden from weapons inspectors and not declared.

And for those of you who are scoring at home, Smash is doing the Haiku thing. . .nifty!

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