Friday, May 07, 2004

The return of Greek mythology????

When I was in 6th grade and we studied Greek Mythology I had to ask myself then, how could any person believe in the ancient Greek gods as they seemed so human and one could clime Mt. Olympus and see there were no gods living there.

Well, it turns out that there is a group of people in Greece who do believe and are pushing to legalize their worship of the ancient gods. Well, I guess if people have given up on ideology (communism is dead), materialism (the acquiring of goods just doesn't seem to satisfy), Greek philosophy (all roads lead to atheism and we are one big cosmic accident) and hedonism got boring (what is the point and would do drugs and sex but don't want to fry the brain or die of aids) and want to reject the truth (after all confronting one's sins can/should make one uncomfortable), all that is left is pagan ritual to fill their lives.

When these folks do get legal permission to worship the gods openly (and they will) will they demand the right to animal sacrifices? This would drive PETA nuts but don't know if the EU could ban it since that would inhibit religious freedom. Europe will be an interesting place to watch over the next few years.

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