Friday, May 07, 2004

More on Iraq

To further what Rob said in his comments below and the story he linked to (I was going to post the same story but posted in a different paper).

A senior aide of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Sheik Abdul-Sattar al-Bahadli is not only calling for jihad against the UK and US forces (what else is new, they have called for that in the past as well), but is now offering about US $100 for anyone who kills a UK soldier and $350 for capturing one.

Can we say in return that anyone who acts on these instructions will be executed and their bodies buried in pig fat? And if anyone tries to act upon the cleric's call, he forfeits his life and will also be buried in pig fat?

If the answer is no we don't do things like that, I have a question. Why not? If the hot heads think they will not get to heaven and their 72 virgins because what we promise to do, it may just save lives. Especially if one or two try and we carry out the threat.

Actions have consequences, putting a reward out for the killing of a UK or US soldier should free the UK and US from playing nice with those who put up the money and who try to collect.

Read the article in Rob's post Tit for Tat.

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