Wednesday, May 19, 2004

A Marine sees what defeatists don't

Ben Connable at USAToday.

I stole the headline as my title. Connable is a Marine and wrote the column. It is worth reading as he seems to see things a lot more clearly (and being on the ground more reliably) then people who only want to see defeat.

I like how he ends the column:

All we ask is that Americans stand by us by supporting not just the troops, but also the mission.

We'll take care of the rest.

He is asking us to not only support the troops but the mission. The mission is the rebuilding of Iraq. Whether we should have gone in in the first place (I think we were right to do so) is not the issue. We are there and even if it was a mistake, do we walk away like we did to Europe after World War 1? Or do we help rebuild like we did in Europe after World War 2? My opinion is obvious, we stay and finish the job.

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