Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Quick Bite

Kathleen Parker comments on the recent Pro-Choice/Abortion march in Washington:

My guess is that marchers' angry words and actions were visceral reactions to the ugliest scenes of the day - huge photographs of aborted fetuses at various stages of development. These sights are not for the squeamish, and surely not for the children some pro-choicers dragged along. I cringed to think of the nightmares little ones would have later that night.


I'm not in favor of criminalizing abortion, but I am in favor of an honest - even brutal - assessment of what abortion is and what abortion does. Pro-choicers are wrong to dress up abortion as only a woman's choice, and pro-lifers are wrong to insist that women who choose abortion are "baby killers." No one gets an abortion for the pleasure of it.

I agree. I think that much like homosexual marriage, we have taken an issue and made it a political and cultural war where our very identities are at stake. There is no middle ground, no sense of understanding or dialog, no interjection of common decency, morality, or greater good. The issues today have become simply a shouting match where there are only winners and losers--and God forbid you are on the losing side. The public arena in America has become a socio-political hockey game.

Was I blind 10 years ago or has it always been this way?

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