Friday, May 28, 2004

Sadly, this editorial is NOT Satire on Gore

The Boston Herald, (Not the Globe but is any Boston paper conservative), as a very strong editorial denouncing Al Gore and his last speech to MoveOn.Org.

Gore spent the bulk of a speech before the liberal group Wednesday bemoaning Abu Ghraib and denouncing President Bush's departure from the ``long successful strategy of containment.''

How dare Gore say that Americans have an ``innate vulnerability to temptation... to use power to abuse others.'' And that our own ``internal system of checks and balances cannot be relied upon'' to curb such abuse.

That Gore is unhappy he lost the election is understandable. That he thinks he should have won is understandable. That he thinks he would have done a much better job then Bush is understandable. That he does not agree with Bush's policies is understandable. To say the abuse of prisoners in Iraq was not an isolated act, but rather shows systemic problems with our government (which he was Vice President for 8 years and a Senator for many years before that) and ignoring it was the Army that found and was investigating the abuse before the media got hold of the story, shows he has contempt for our nation, our government (not just the administration but our system of government) and our people (Americans are evil in his eyes). I'm glad we did not have a person who hates us that much as our President.

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