Monday, January 14, 2008

Afternoon Updates

Three stories I found over lunch and wanted to highlight.

Another reason why citizens need to arm themselves. The police cannot guarantee your safety. Hard to listen to the video, but do it. Especially true for women.
Hat tip Glenn Reynolds.

GM claims they have a process on making ethanol for about $1.00 a gallon. It sounds almost too good to be true, but here is hoping it is. Hat tip Glenn Reynolds.

And finally, in South Carolina, Fred Thompson is gaining at the expense of Mike Huckabee, which is good news for Fred supporters. But McCain is now leading in the state (who I dislike only a little less then Huckabee).
Current polling data:
McCain at 28%
Huckabee at 19%
Mitt Romney at 17%
Fred Thompson at 16%
Rudy Giuliani and Ron Paul are tied with 5%
Hat tip Glenn Reynolds (Yes I read Instapundit and highly recommend it, wide range of items discussed there)

I hope Fred does better and McCain falls, actually while I haven't made up my mind yet, I'm leaning more towards Fred then anyone else. Mitt or Rudy would be next in line.

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