Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thompson's out - now what??

Well its official, Thompson has dropped out of the 2008 race.

He was the person I was most interested in as a candidate.

So who is left to choose from???

McCain - as I've said before I WILL NOT vote for this man
Huckabee - as I've said before I WILL NOT vote for this man
Giuliani - There are lots of things I do not like about his positions, but he will fight the GWOT, and appoint conservative judges, which should protect the 2nd amendment. I can hold my nose and vote for him.
Romney - He is similar to GWB, but much more polished. I'm not sure I want another 8 years of continuation of the Bush policy on the domestic front. He smells a little less then Giuliani and could vote for him.
Paul - Either he is nuts, doesn't know or doesn't care what his supporters are doing in his name. I WILL NOT vote for this man.

Obama - Nice guy, does he understand there are people out there who just do not like the US and never will? And some of those people have weapons that can hurt us?
Clinton - No, I can't stand the thought of another 8 years of the Clinton's in the White House.
Edwards - He is a fool or is doing a wonderful job of playing one. With him in the WH and a conservative Republican Congress, the country would survive. But with a Democratic Congress, some of his foolish ideas would get passed.

In the primary, I may still vote for Thompson, because I want to vote FOR someone rather then picking the lessor of two evils. In the general, I do not know.

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