Monday, January 28, 2008

The USS Pueblo

The only US Navy ship held captive by another country. The USN and NSA did make some major mistakes with not protecting the Pueblo nor training the crew how to repel borders or even giving them the tools to defend themselves. We don't want to forget, but I'm not sure bringing the ship back to the US is the right thing to do. I'm afraid we would focus on the wrong lessons, how much the crew suffered and how their job got them into trouble (it was the US' fault). The lesson should be the USN needs to protect its own and if any country tried that again, they would receive salvos of cruise missiles and smart bombs on their naval and air force assets as a warning. Yes totally out of proportion but the lesson would be learned.

The crew should be honored and remembered for their ordeal, but the lessons for the USN must be to promise never again will it allow one of its ships to be attacked by friend (USS Liberty) or foe (USS Pueblo) without the attacker suffering much greater loss.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Totally agree. What good can come from bringing the ship back?