Friday, January 04, 2008

Light bulbs and thermostats

Well first I'm going to talk about Iowa. ITS FINALLY OVER. Who won and why? Lots of good blogs and media talking about it so I won't bore you (or me), besides there are two more interesting stories I want to share with you.

Now the scientists are saying florescence lights, especially the compact type can be bad to human health and even cause skin cancer. While the boss doesn't like CFL's I've been using them for a number of years and haven't had any problem. I find this article more humorous and label it junk science. Maybe we should all go back to burning whale oil. After all, it is a renewable source of energy. Each family will get one lamp and it can only be burned for an hour a day, that should keep demand to within reason. (disclaimer, the bit about using whale oil is sarcasm).

The other is from our good State of California (where this blog is written). A proposed change to the building code laws will mandate programmable communicative thermostats in all new construction. That means someone else can control your thermostats and turn off your heat or A/C when they not you think they need too. Currently Southern California Edison is trying to get people to install these system by offering incentives. But we has homeowners have the choice to install them or not. The new law will make sure that someone else (the power company or a government agency) will decide when a house is using too much heat or A/C. No thank you.

Have a good weekend.

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