Thursday, January 31, 2008

Presidential Primary

Well I have to vote tonight so my absentee ballot will be received by Tuesday for the California primary.

Before he dropped out, I was leaning towards Fred Thompson and had still wanted to vote for him afterwards because I wanted to vote FOR someone rather then against someone.

Now with McCain gaining strength, and I want to stop him, I guess I will have to change my vote for Romney. I'm not excited about him, but I really do not want McCain to win the nomination.

Victor Davis Hanson says McCain is conservative enough and can win against the democrats if the republicans don't destroy him first. I don't agree because too many of the conservative base dislike him and may stay home (like in 2006 or 1996). They would rather have a real liberal (a democrat) win then a pretend one.

Mark Steyn and Red County, an OC Blog have comments on the debate last night and can't say the write ups are making me consider McCain.

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