Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesdays happenings

Tuesdays happenings

First off, child trafficking in America. The money quote from the article

This is a war in which millions of ordinary Americans “need to be willing to get their hands bloodied in battle,”

Read the whole thing.

No bias reporting here, A ship in international waters has unauthorized people board it, the crew tries to repel the boarders and then ties them up. The boarders were not law enforcement or military personnel. Sounds like the crewman were fighting off pirates. Well the crewman are being called pirates because their ship is a whaling ship and the boarders were anti-whaling activists who were unhappy they were tied to the mast of the ship and were not comfortable. Maybe these folks will learn that their actions have consequences. While I'm not keen on whaling, I find it hard to be sympathetic to people who try to board a ship on the high seas without permission with the rise of piracy on the oceans. The exception is when the boarders are military or coastal law enforcement personnel, who have clearly identified themselves.

Another look at replacing our energy dependence on fossil fuels with other options and how big that task really is.

Finally, today is the Michigan primary, this site has updates through out the day on the turn out there and other information, no information on who is winning, that will be decided after the polls close.

Have a good day.

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