Friday, July 30, 2004

Daily Tour

Take a journey with me around the web:

La Shawn Barber explores the Christian tension between being peacemakers and supporting the War in Iraq. Bonus: A link to an exchange between Meryl Streep and Denzel Washington over interpretation of the Bible.

Smash is impressed with Kerry's speech and opines, "It's going to be a tough, hard-fought presidential campaign, folks." Bonus: A link to a CNN gaffe at the conclusion of the DNC. (DOH!)

Public Enquiry Project (blog) reports from the front lines of the Vietnam Veterans against Kerry movement in Boston. Graf: “While we honor John Kerry’s service in Vietnam for a couple months, we totally abhor the lies who told the country about us being war criminals while he admitted being a war criminal.” Note: Pretty inflammatory.

Sgt. Hook describes one part of his cargo missions in Afghanistan. You almost feel like you're there. Recent entry: A sniper team pursued by baddies.

Dean Esmay puts a little history into the "Bush Lied" meme and hopes (as do I) that "John Kerry and his party deserve no better from voters this year [i.e., no votes] if they continue to cater to the Michael Moores of this world".

Cox & Forkum comments to Kerry's speech with a cartoon, "Kerry seems to be admitting here that another attack will be required for him to use military force."

The Dissident Frogman makes an argument for Jews to leave France (and bashes the French government to boot). "135 acts and 375 threats of anti-semitism in the first six months this year, as opposed to 125 acts and 463 threats for last year as a whole. Confronting hatred, terrorism and unavowed warfare, such as what the French Jewish community is facing today Mr. Sandman [Chirac], will require anything but calm, peace and serenity."

Allah notes Hillary getting chummy with P.Diddy. Warning: Crude commentary. Comment: What a really bizzare pairing.

Trent Telenko at Winds of analyzes the Sandy Berger security breach and concludes that the damage is worse than we think.

Joshua Claybourn comments on the usage of "would you sacrifice your child" argument against war used in the recent Michael Moore-Bill O'Reilly convo.

That's all for today.

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