Saturday, July 31, 2004

Eleven Years

ago today, it was 103 degrees in the Bay Area. On that day, I was stuffed into a tuxedo and fit to be married. Gracious friends of ours gave us two precious hours as they watched the kids and we enjoyed a simple Italian dinner.

In the 11 years after the hottest day of the year, the Mrs. and I have lived through good times, so-so times and a few times where it just plain sucked. And in the 11 years, God has carried us, grown us, challenged us and blessed us beyond the imaginations we had that one day. It's pretty amazing how God can make a selfish kid into a father of three, or turn a young girl into the household pillar of strength. What more can I say but that God is god and God is good. Here's to more years of marriage!

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