Wednesday, July 21, 2004

If true, this is very scary

Update on this story.  I said this needed LOTS of checking, well now the story appears to be false.  Thank goodness.  Citizen Smash and both link to comments by government officials in Iraq saying the story is false. 
Washington Times has a story today about NUCLEAR ARMS being found in Iraq.

Yes that is not a miss spelling or miss statement above.

Now, one story does not prove or disprove a case and we have heard many false reports out of Iraq over the last 18 months or so about finding WMD, so this will need LOTS of follow up.

If the story is true, what will France, Germany and the rest of "Old Europe" do?  What will the "Bush lied" crowd do?

Personally, I would rather this story NOT be true.  If Iraq was able to hide the missiles and bombs this well, that means the terrorists most likely also have them hidden else where and it means Iran could be much further along in its nuclear program then currently believed.

(Hat tip Hugh Hewitt)

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