Monday, July 12, 2004

When did supporting Bush become illegal??

In NYC, should someone be spit upon or boo-ed or cursed for saying they support Bush in 2004? Is being a Republican or worse, a conservative, illegal in NYC?

Well, it may not be illegal however it seems advisable to not advertise if you wish to avoid trouble.

It is possible that our great city of diversity will sink to the level of Bainbridge Island, Wash., on July 4. This left-leaning bucolic island outside Seattle showed what can happen when Bush-bashers like Mr. Moore and other lackluster celebrities stir emotions to a fiery level.

On that day, a young, wounded Iraq War veteran, Jason Gilson, was marching with his family wearing his medals and carrying a sign that read "Veterans for Bush." The announcer sarcastically said as he went by, "And what are you a veteran of?" This incited the crowd to shout at him, "Murderer. Baby Killer. Liar."

The quote is from the New York Sun. I hope (and believe) its only a few hot heads on both sides and not a reflection of the sentiment of the country. If one or both sides think their side is correct and the other is not only incorrect but is so incorrect that holders of that opinion deserve to be corrected in anyway necessary, Democracy in theory and the US system is in danger.

There was only one time in the US' history when there were two sides so divided they would not listen to or acknowledge the other side. The year was 1860, the event started with the election of Abraham Lincoln and ended with his assassination at Ford's theater little more then 4 years later and the bloodiest war in the history of the US.

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