Friday, July 09, 2004

This puts a different spin on things

Dale Buss at has a sobering column on the state of youth and Christian belief.

Since I am not involved in the high school ministry at BOL, I can't confirm or deny if the views expressed in Buss' article are there or not, but I hope not and have not heard anything from the councilors to indicate otherwise.

When I'm teaching Sunday school, I'm encouraged by what I hear from the teenagers at my evangelical Christian church in suburban Detroit. They seem to understand--and, more important, to believe--the bedrock tenets that will help them hew to orthodoxy throughout their lives and make them salt and light in the world.

But the hard numbers say otherwise. It turns out that, while they may profess the faith and indeed love Jesus, the vast majority of Christian teenagers in this country actually hold beliefs fundamentally antithetical to the creed. The forces of moral relativism and "tolerance" have gotten to them in a big way. In fact, some leaders believe that mushy doctrine among the younger generation ranks as the No. 1 crisis facing American Christendom today.

The saying, "The Church is just one generation away from extinction" is true and we the current adults need to insure the teaching is sound so the next generation will be equipped with the true faith.

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