Friday, July 02, 2004

The Poles Find Sarin in Iraq

Specifically, they bought several rockets and warheads filled with cyclosarin in their sector of Iraq.

"We were mortified by the information that terrorists were looking for these warheads and offered $5,000 apiece," Dukaczewski said. "An attack with such weapons would be hard to imagine. All of our activity was accelerated at appropriating these warheads."

Dukaczewski refused to give any further details about the terrorists or the sellers of the munitions, saying only that his troops thwarted terrorists by purchasing the 17 rockets for a Soviet-era launcher and two mortar rounds containing the nerve agent for an undisclosed sum June 23.

WMD. They're there, it's not like the Iraqis were going to just turn them over. The questions are: Have any warheads leaked out of Iraq? Will we see them this summer? Israel? Athens? New York? Boston? Washington?

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