Friday, July 02, 2004

The Degradation of American Dialog

Well, it's racheting up and it's mind boggling (phrase d'jour). Over the last couple of years, I've seen the liberal left increasingly use demagoguery, propaganda and outright lies in order to discredit President Bush and win this fall's election. A survey: hosted a contest for political commercials that included an entry that equated President Bush with Hitler. Hitler? Last I checked, I don't remember the government marching Arab Americans into concentration camps with ovens.

An artist paints President Bush as a devourer of children.

The pinnicle is, of course, Moore's agitprop movie, Farenheit 9/11. Joe Katzman at Winds of Change runs him down.

What, have we so lost our minds? Are we so wrapped up in our own ideologies that we will resort to namecalling (albeit artsy namecalling) to advance our points of view? What happened to reasoned dialog? It's sad. And what's even sadder is that we are falling for it. And you know what, it happens on both sides. That's the TV generations for ya.

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