Tuesday, July 27, 2004

"Dead Heat, My Eye"

Drudge is pulling in some statistics that Kerry is not getting a bounce in the polls yet. Traditionally, a convention generates positive buzz that results in an upward trend in the polls. Not happening so far. Why?

Perhaps voters have already made their choice since 2004 has been a high profile election with electrifying and polarizing issues. Perhaps we haven't seen the DNC swing into gear yet. Not sure, but only as the week progresses will we really know.

LaShawn Barber has a theory. (some bloggers make me want to give up blogging--sort of like what Brian Bosworth felt when he got leveled by Bo Jackson and dragged into the endzone on prime time TV--she is one of them) Anyways, Barber runs down an assessment of Kerry and concludes that Kerry cannot win in November:

Speaking of optimism, ABC grudging admits: “[M]ore see Bush as an optimist (72 percent) than Kerry (55 percent). That makes it a tricky path for Kerry–delineating the nation’s problems, economic and otherwise, without sounding more negative than the public itself.”

Tricky is the right word. For Kerry to win this election, more American soldiers have to be killed and the economy has to tank. More government schools have to fail and Bush hatred has to grow more caustic. That’s the entire Democratic platform.

Liberals must really think people are stupid at heart. If anyone believes that John Kerry’s concerned about their well-being is crazy. Liberals hate being called liberals for a reason. It’s an epithet. Why? Because they know that mainstream America doesn’t share their pessimistic views, and extremism doesn’t win elections.

I am confident George Bush will win in November. Democrats can soft-pedal it in Boston this week all they want. Their efforts will be fruitless.

I appreciate her thinking on this issue, and confidence. However, I'm still not convinced that W. is such a shoe in for reelection.

Perhaps I'm still being hoodwinked by the big media polls, perhaps I'm just not optimistic enough. In any event, it's close enough for me to fret.

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