Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Did Kerry's VP just add another enemy to Kerry's election???

Allen Murray Wall Street Journal (no registration required for this article)

When a VP selection is made, the goal is to HELP the ticket by reaching out to people the presidential nominee is not strong with.

The VP selection is NOT supposed to take a large group that was sitting on the sidelines and bring them into the oppositions group.

But that is what the selection of Edwards has done to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Tom Donohue, head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has made a public vow: If John Edwards is chosen as John Kerry's running mate, the chamber will abandon its traditional stance of neutrality in the presidential race and work feverishly to defeat the Democratic ticket. "We'd get the best people and the greatest assets we can rally" to the cause, he says.

It will be interesting to see if the US Chamber of Commerce reaction as well as other business groups will have any effects on the election or on a reconsideration for the VP slot. Unlikely but it could make for an interesting month.

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