Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Rant Me, Baby!


Rhonstadt, who was booed at the Aladdin recently, now has been interviewed by the San Diego Union-Tribune:

"This is an election year, and I think we're in desperate trouble and it's time for people to speak up and not pipe down. It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."

Do you think that Ms. Rhonstadt forgets that there may be like people in the audience who don't want to know what she thinks about Republicans and Christians?

Career Tip: Sing. Entertain. Bemuse. That is what was in your contract. If I were to use my job to share the Gospel to my coworkers or hand out Republican voting guides, I would be justly relieved of my duties. I'm and not paid by my employer to share my views with others. Linda, leave the stumping to your off hours. Isn't it just better all around that you and your audience just leave the politics and religion at the door for the night?

And for the sidebar, this:

[On the] state of the nation: "I saw a movie recently about a camel and these people in Mongolia, and I relate to them better than people here in this country. It looks like (Germany's) Weimar Republic to me here."

Really? The Weimar Republic? Last I checked, things were pretty peachy around here, Americans can even pay good money to be entertained by the rock stars of their past. Not to mention that even rock stars are given public forums that the common man (the little people) are not allowed.

Entertainers have become people of privilege, wealth and status--they are as close to being a royalty class in America as any other. Yet, Rhonstadt still thinks that America compares to a period of Germany's history marked by open rebellion by the military, revolts, and hyperinflation and from whose collapse an evil dictator rose to massacre six million. That's crap.

Rhonstadt, perhaps you should tour Mongolia, where you could find your peace with the camels. Certainly you would be happier than here in the Weimar Republic. Back your words with your actions; otherwise, you become nothing more than a simple propagandist.

(Hat tip to Drudge, because I surely don't have the time to find all these juicy things)

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