Tuesday, July 20, 2004

In God We Trust. . .Maybe

The Oceanside city council has just voted to add "In God We Trust" to their city seal, just below the word "liberty". Of course, some residents want to get the ACLU involved.

"I find that people who press their faith for political advantage are really subverting their own beliefs. And it's upsetting to me because this is my city hall chambers, and I'm not comfortable going in there once that plaque goes up," said Oceanside resident Nadine Scott.

The American Civil Liberties Union is said to have been contacted by opponents who want to file suit against the town, but the organization has yet to decide whether to take the case.

Dollars to donuts says that the ACLU gets involved. And why does Ms. Scott finds it so uncomfortable to go into the city hall chambers because the seal says "In God We Trust"? Isn't that, well. . .a teeny bit. . .over sensitive?

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