Friday, July 09, 2004

What to do with old paperback books


We have spent the last month cleaning and clearing my mother-in-laws (MIL) house getting it ready to sell.

Among the many things that got sold at garage sales, given to Salvation Army or just tossed were books, books and more books. And now that we got rid of all of them, I find here is a good place to send them. What is the old saying, junk is something you keep for years and years and get rid of two weeks before you need it.

Hat tip to Sgt Hook for the button (hint hint boss, something else to put on the blog besides Spirit of America) is "Books for Soldiers". This is an organization that will take your unused dust collecting paperbacks and send them to the folks overseas who can't usually visit their Borders or other local book stores.

If you have paperbacks that are gathering dust, here is a good way to get rid of them. And yes its time I go through my library again, its getting too full and now can send them somewhere useful.

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