Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Democratic Convention Day 1

No, I did not watch the convention last night.  I had better things to do.  Personally I think watching paint dry is more productive then watching a political convention (Democrat or Republican).  I've never been able to watch more then a 1/2 hour of convention in total and this year does not look to be an exception.  I'll have to see about the Republican one but I doubt I'll watch it either.

However, Jonah Goldberg has written a column at USA Today about the convention.  Yes its from the conservative point of view, but he is a good writer and its worth reading.  Of course "in fairness", Michael Moore will be writing a column daily about the Republican convention.  There are lots of good liberal writers, why choose a movie director?  The only reason I can think of is he is famous (and Goldberg isn't nearly as well known).  It sure cannot be because of Moore's writing ability.

So if you want to avoid reading the pages from the paper on all the numbing details of the convention, read Goldberg as he has a good summary.  Even if one doesn't agree with his viewpoint, his writing is enjoyable to read.

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